School Dogs

At present Holgate Meadows has 2 risk assessed dogs who visit regularly. 



My name is: Theo

My Nickname is: Big Chunk

My breed is: Cockapoo

My age is: 6 years

My favourite thing to do: sleep and have cuddles

My favourite toy: my donkey

My favourite class: anyone who gives me food

Things I don’t like: being on my own



My name is: Willow

My Nickname is: Devil Child

My breed is: Cockapoo

My age is: 1 1/2 years old

My favourite thing to do: play fetch

My favourite toy: my tennis ball and antler

My favourite class: I love all the students who want to play with me

Things I don’t like: loud noises and cars



You can find more information on our School Dog policy via the policies tab.