Curriculum Overview

Holgate Meadows has four core curriculums. These are; Maths, English, Science and PHSCE. 

Please use the side menu to access the individual subject details for each school. 


At Holgate Meadows our curriculum is guided by our vision and our values.

The school mission shapes the practical steps that we will take to deliver the curriculum

that our students need, in order to learn, develop and grow during their time in our schools. 


What we aim to do: 

How we aim to do it: 

For all pupils to have Maths and English skills to allow them to develop life skills and access further education, training and employment.   

  • Core skills remain a focus of the curriculum for all ages and abilities.  
  • Encourage the use of core skills across all subject areas.  
  • Provide students with opportunities for practical application of knowledge and skills.  
  • Link learning to outcomes and opportunities. 

For all pupils to develop their reading skills. Consistently encourage them to read and recognise the value the skill of reading. 

  • Promote a love of reading in all pupils. 
  • Plan engaging reading lessons which are delivered at a stage appropriate to the pupils needs. 
  • Encourage pupils to read across all areas of the curriculum. 
  • Support pupils to overcome their fear of reading. 
  • Develop staff's ability to recognise the gaps in pupils reading and plan activities which are tailored to their individual needs. 

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is challenging, engaging and enjoyable. This provides them with the knowledge and skills they will use both in their next steps of school and into employment and training. 

  • A sequence of learning steps that increases students' knowledge and skills in line with their developmental stage 
  • Progression is mapped to allow teachers to use the planning and resources to continually develop students from their starting points  
  • Plan regular opportunities for retrieval practice 

Ensure all pupils meet the outcomes set out in their Education Health Care Plans. 

  • Actively engage in pupils’ EHCPs. 
  • Actively ensure that pupils are able to verbalise their own outcomes.  
  • Deliver quality first teaching. 
  • Remove barriers to learning. 
  • Offer planned interventions to address pupil needs. 

Teach pupils to develop strong relationships and know how to make positive choices that help keep them safe.  

  • Deliver activities that support the development of social skills and communication.  
  • Explicitly teach and implicitly model strategies that support self-regulation.  
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop emotional resilience. 

Have strong Post 16 destinations that match the aspirations and abilities of all students. 

  • Provide a range of careers focused opportunities for students throughout the school linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks.  
  • Create encounters with employees and employers. 
  • Ensure students have the opportunities to experience work placements.  
  • Build links with Further Education providers and support students in their encounters with these. 


Strategies we use in our Trauma Aware approach:  

Strategies for instructional approaches: 

  • Use micro structures to provide routine and provide a safe environment for learning 
  • provide visual timetables to aid in daily transitions 
  • Use common language to support students in recognising their own regulation  



  • Review progress at the start of each lesson 
  • Use accessible reflective tasks at the start of lessons to engage pupils 
  • Use small steps in learning new content 
  • Scaffold tasks to support the progression of skills linked to ability  
  • Use questioning to all pupils to regularly check understanding 
  • Model new activities leading to greater independence 
  • Build in opportunities to develop independence of all students and ability levels 


The current school curriculum is under review and further documents will be added to the website as they are finalised. 

For more information on our curriculum, please contact:

Charlotte Barton (Assistant Principal)

Contact: or 0114 245 6305